Helping you Budget Your Care
Medicare Advantage Plan benefits must be as good as under Original Parts A and B to be approved for offer by Medicare. All plans offer an Annual Medical Out of Pocket Maximum with no limit as to the total amount of care that you receive. Typical costs on a Medicare Advantage Plan include per visit co pays for Primary Care and Specialists and per day co pays in the Hospital. We help you evaluate these offers under the terms of the plan to include your co pays on prescriptions so can budget your care with confidence.
Helping You Keep Your Coverage
Medicare Advantage Plans are approved by Medicare on county by county basis and plan offer and benefits are subject to change on annual basis. If your Medicare Advantage Plan exits your county or you relocate you'll have to change you plan according to the area you move within 60 days. We're committed to serve you where you live and licensed in many states so you can keep us as your lifelong trusted agent!

Get Current Medicare Advantage Offers...
Everyone enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B is entitled to enroll in a Medicare Advantage Plan offered in their County regardless of their health with the exception having of End Stage Renal Disease. Click on "Get My Offers" see what's in store for you!